Commercial Litigation Attorneys Working To Help Your Business Prosper
Business litigation often presents a challenge to a company’s ongoing operations and imperils financial security. Businesses engaged in protracted litigation waste valuable resources, thereby reducing profitability as well as reputation within the community. Addressing issues and concerns and receiving proper counsel at the onset provides for profit maximization and peace of mind. Getting good, sage legal advice, as well as understanding the best way to observe certain corporate formalities, can, and often does, limit commercial and sometimes personal exposure to litigation.
At The McGarity Group, we believe that the best way to deal with business litigation is to establish a relationship with a law firm that will help you avoid it in the first place. Our attorneys offer informed, experienced advice on corporate structure, formation, contract negotiation, contract disputes, employment disputes, and commercial liability. We are proud to be general counsel for many prominent businesses of all sizes and in many different industries. Whether your entity is in need of general counsel or targeted advice on a specific issue, our attorneys will offer you the vigorous, knowledgeable representation you and your business deserve.
Protecting Your Interests Through Litigation And Ligation Prevention
We recognize that business litigation extends beyond court cases. We handle all aspects of business litigation, including:
- Pre-contract negotiation: We make sure you get the best deal before drafting a contract. When you hire us early in the process, you can save money by avoiding a lawsuit later.
- Litigation avoidance: We help you avoid lawsuits by establishing the best tools to shield your company from unnecessary liability. We will tell you if you can select a more protected form for your business by incorporating. We can identify the need more for better insurance, and we will help you establish formal policies and procedures and corporate compliance programs.
- Business counseling: Whether you are in the planning phase of starting a new business or you want to make sure your existing business operations are legally sound, we can help.
- Advocacy in governmental matters: Your legal issues may not be with another business but with the local government. Our attorneys can help you ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and advocate for you in matters related to permitting, land use and zoning.
Sometimes business disputes occur no matter how careful you are about avoiding them. If you are being sued, or if you want to file a suit against another business, talk to us before talking to anyone else. We will advise you on how to proceed, from collecting evidence to determining when negotiation would be beneficial. If your case goes to court, we will provide the vigorous representation you need.
When Experience Matters, Contact Our Firm
Our attorneys at The McGarity Group have many years of experience handling, resolving, and trying complex business disputes in state, superior or federal court. Additionally, we have a vast amount of experience in arbitration and mediation of all types of disputes for our clients. We represent small, mid-size, and large businesses of all types and believe our experience will be well-suited to your business litigation needs.
To discuss your commercial or business litigation needs, contact us to schedule an initial consultation. You can call our Buford, Georgia, law firm at 770-932-8477 or submit an online contact form. We serve clients across the greater Atlanta metro area and throughout Georgia.