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Do’s And Dont’s After The Crash

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Being in an auto crash is unnerving, and usually leaves one feeling disoriented. Although there are important action steps to take immediately following a crash, it may be difficult to think of them on the spot. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance for the possibility of an accident ― which is what we hope this post will help you do. Here are some key steps that CBS and CNN recommend to take right after an auto crash, so that you’ll recover as many costs as possible.

Immediately after a car crash

  • Turn on your hazard lights.
  • If possible, move your vehicle out of traffic. Park in a safe location to the side of the road.
  • Check that everyone is okay.
  • Call 911 for police, fire, and medical assistance. It helps to have a police report filed for insurance purposes.

Get the other driver’s information, and give them your insurance details

If another vehicle is involved, you will have to exchange your contact details and insurance information with the other driver, providing each other with the following information:

  • Name, home address, e-mail, and telephone number
  • Insurance policy number and insurer name. These details should be located on the back of your insurance documents, which are usually kept in the glove compartment.
  • Information about the vehicle, including the model, make, year and license plate number.

Other things to keep in mind

Take note if there are any other witnesses nearby. Make sure to get their contact information.

Also, take photos or videos of your vehicle, the areas of your automobile that were affected, and, if another vehicle is involved, the other driver’s license plate. Make sure only to do this if you are in a safe environment to do so.

Immediately after a Georgia crash, it can be hard to think straight, and compensation may be the last thing on your mind. But contacting an attorney is one of the best steps you can take after an accident that wasn’t your fault. Our Georgia personal injury lawyers will guide you through the process, help you get the treatment you need to prioritize your recovery, and gather evidence to secure the compensation you deserve. Contact The McGarity Group today for a free consultation.

Things NOT to do after a vehicle crash

  • Do not flee the scene! You could be charged with a criminal violation, and severely penalized.
  • Do not discuss who is at fault. Anything you say could be used against you in a civil suit or criminal suit concerning the accident.
  • Do not discuss the limits of your insurance policy. This information could make you a target for litigation.

File an accident report

Make sure to read your insurance policy to check your deadline for filing an accident report. Once you file the report, a claims adjuster from the insurance company will inspect your vehicle. The adjuster will make a list of items that need to be replaced or repaired. You’ll then go to a repair shop with this list of instructions. Once the repair shop completes the necessary actions, it will probably need to send a certificate of completed repairs to your insurer: most insurers require this so that any future damage to the same area of the vehicle will also be covered.

Contact an experienced Car Accident Lawyer

If you are involved in an auto accident, engaging a lawyer who is skilled in dealing with insurance companies and in reconstructing accident scenes is crucial for your case’s success. To discuss your case and determine the best course of action, call us today at (877) 851-4261.